タクティカルスキル Twin Striker
- G1 (Level 10)
- 発動中、一部を除く自身の攻撃でHPを吸収する状態となる
- G2 (Level 29)
- インターバルの最大値が減る
- G3 (Level 48)
- 効果時間延長
- G3α (Level 50)
- HP吸収量増加
- G3β (Level 50)
- 自身のHPが最大時のみ、与ダメージが上昇
- G4 (Level 67)
- 発動時に自身のHPを一定割合回復
- G4α (Level 67)
- G4β (Level 67)
Blood Axe stacks with skills that have built-in life steal.
β does not show a buff icon. If you go under full HP, the damage increase is deactivated, but it can be regained by once again reaching full HP. What matters is whether or not you are full HP when the hit registers—not when you begin casting the skill. For example, you may use Blood Axe then use Desperado α at 90% HP; the first hit will deal normal damage but recover you to 100% HP, allowing the second hit to get the damage boost from Blood Axe β.
- Dodge
- Jump
- Class Action
- Springboard Jump
- Battle Imagine
- Ultimate Skill
- Treasure Chest
- Supplier
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