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An overview of all combat-related mechanics.

23 minute read

Last updated 6/5/2023

BLUE PROTOCOL has several aspects of combat that contribute to its fast-paced action.


The UI has an aggro icon whose color indicates when enemies have sensed your presence and when they are actively engaging you.

aggro indicator

For the purposes of this guide, being in combat will refer to when a player has their weapon out (unsheathed and in a combatative stance), and being targeted will refer to either scenario that you have aggro.

When targed, various actions consume stamina and when in combat your jump height is reduced and you cannot sprint (you must sheathe your weapon). Your weapon can be sheathed by pressing the interact key, summoning a mount, or by initiating sprinting.

Ability is a common term in the game referring to a passive effect. It’s used in Skills to describe passive skills (such as Class-Shared Ability), in Weapon “Ability” Plugs, in Battle Imagine and Enhance Imagine (referring to their passive stat line). Just keep in mind that the keyword Ability = passive.


Each class has various stats that can be altered by equipping and upgrading Weapons and Imagine. Base Stats in particular have different effects based on whether you are playing a physical class or a magic class.

Battle Build page showing stats and loadout
Stat Affected Parameters
Base Stats
Blast Archer Twin Striker Aegis Fighter Heavy Smasher Blitz Lancer
Spell Caster
STR (Strength) Attack, Defense, Crit Damage Defense
VIT (Vitality) HP, Defense HP, Defense
DEX (Dexterity) Attack, Crit Rate Crit Rate
INT (Intelligence) Recovery Attack, Recovery, Crit Damage
MND (Mind) Recovery, Crit Rate Attack, Recovery, Crit Rate
Attack Stats
ATK (Attack) Influences damage output
Crit Rate Chance of a critical hit
Crit Damage Amount of damage increased during critical hits
Defense Stats
DEF (Defense) Influences damage taken
Recovery Influences effectiveness of HP recovery effects
Elemental Resistance Influences elemental damage and elemental charge received
HP (Hit Points) Amount of damage you can take before dying.
ST (Stamina) Consumed when performing certain actions

For example, increasing STR on a physical class will increase its ATK as well (will be reflected on the character page). Refer to the table below for the “true value” formulas. Decimal values will be truncated.

Stat Physical Classes Magic Classes
Total ATK ATK + ( 0.6 × STR ) + ( 0.4 × DEX ) ATK + ( 0.6 × INT ) + ( 0.4 × MND )
Total Crit Rate Crit Rate + [ 0.2 × ( DEX + MND ) ] 0.3
Total Crit Damage Crit Damage + ( 0.04 × STR ) Crit Damage + ( 0.04 × INT )
Total DEF DEF + ( 0.4 × STR ) + ( 0.6 × VIT )
Total Recovery Recovery + [ 0.4 × ( INT + MND ) ]
Total HP HP + ( 0.6 × VIT )


Hit Points (or Health Points). When your HP reaches 0, your character will be downed and can be resurrected by other players interacting with you. Rescue time is decreased as more players interact with a downed player.

In dungeons, you will automatically revive after some time if not rescued by others. Dungeons may have limited revives shared between all party members—these will not be consumed if the downed player is rescued by party members. If a party member is defeated with 0 lives left, the party will fail the dungeon and be kicked out, forfeiting all rewards.

In fields, you can remain downed and wait for someone to rescue you, or can choose to respawn after a short timer. If you choose to respawn, you will have the Weak debuff, decreasing your Max HP and movement speed.

When in fields or free exploration dungeons, HP will continuously recover over time while not in combat (1% of max HP every 3 seconds). While sitting (on an object or via an emote), you will recover 5% of max HP every 3 seconds. Visiting a village with a warp gate or sitting near a campfire will allow you to recover 5% of max HP every second. Natural HP recovery is disabled in dungeons.

HP can be recovered through various means such as skills, party chain, buffs, suppliers, and Battle Imagine.


Stamina is consumed when performing certain actions. Stamina consumption can be reduced by certain skills and Enhance Imagine abilities. Max stamina can be increased by certain skills, such as Heavy Smasher’s passive skill, and Enhance Imagine abilities.

Action Stamina Consumption
Sprinting (while being targeted) 20 / second
Jumping (while being targeted) 20
Skills (while being targeted) Varies per skill
Twin Striker Spell Caster Blitz Lancer
Blast Archer Aegis Fighter Heavy Smasher
Dodging 15 20
Springboard Jump 20 30

Dodging provides a brief window of invulnerability, and can be used to cancel some player animations. To perform a dodge attack, press the basic attack and class action keys simultaneously after dodging.

If an enemy hits you during dodge invulnerability, you will perform a perfect dodge, indicated by a blue particle effect. Performing a dodge attack immediately after a perfect dodge will increase the damage of the dodge attack and may provide extra benefits such as restoring Shield Gauge (Aegis Fighter) or increasing dodge attack size (Spell Caster).

A springboard jump can be performed while pressing the jump key while in the air and near an enemy—you will jump off the enemy for added height. Melee classes will jump straight up, and ranged classes will jump backwards. The enemy will be staggered and aggro the player.

Jumping and Springboard jumping can be used to cancel some animations even when no enemy is nearby.

A plunge attack (or assault attack) can be performed by melee classes by pressing the basic attack and class action keys simultaneously while midair. If performed from a high enough altitude, the attack will receive an elevation bonus, dealing extra damage and providing extra benefits such as binding enemies (Aegis Fighter) or applying a movement speed down debuff (Heavy Smasher).

Finally, all classes can utilize Rebound (Ukemi) by pressing the dodge key right when you land after getting knocked down. When performed correctly, your character will get up faster than usual.

Explanation of Ukemi from the in-game handbook
Screenshot of the in-game handbook explaining Ukemi (by Panke)

Learn more about each class’ perfect dodge attack effects, plunge attack, and animation cancels on their class page.


Raising your class level will increase your stats and reduce the effects of equipment level syncs (details below). By raising your Adventurer Rank, you can increase the maximum level cap for your character.

The level difference between a player and an enemy influences how much damage and elemental charge a player will deal and EXP they will gain by defeating that enemy. For enemies that are 8 or more levels higher than you, your attacks will do 0 damage (thus you won’t be eligible for drops and won’t be able to activate certain effects that require hitting an enemy).

Level Difference Damage & Elemental Charge dealt EXP gain
+8 or more 0% 0%
+7 15% 17%
+6 30% 33%
+5 50% 50%
+4 60% 67%
+3 70% 83%
+2 100% 100%
+1 100% 100%
0 100% 100%
-1 100% 100%
-2 100% 100%
-3 100% 85%
-4 100% 70%
-5 100% 55%
-6 100% 40%
-7 100% 25%
-8 or more 100% 10%

Battle Score

Battle Score is the rating of a player’s equipment. While it doesn’t directly convey how powerful a player is, it represents the level of equipment a player is using.

Equipment Post-Limit Break Update Pre-Limit Break Update
Weapon (60 × Item Level) + (160 × Limit Break Level) 50 × Item Level
Battle Imagine - 10 × Item Level
Enhance Imagine (8 × Item Level) + (16 × Limit Break Level) 6 × Item Level

Level and Battle Score are common requirements to entering Missions.

Level Sync

If an item’s max level exceeds your class level, the item will be level synced down, reducing all of its stats besides Vitality to match your class level. Since VIT is not level synced, you will end up with higher HP and defense than usual.

Level syncs also exist in dungeons, forcefully adjusting all high level players’ stats to an appropriate level for the content.

Adventurer Rank

Raising your Adventurer Rank allows you to accept new quests (including continuing the main story quest), raises your maximum level cap, and provides some goodies. To raise your Adventurer Rank, you need to complete a Rank Up Adventure Board. Some ranks also require you to pass an exam (speak to NPC Millie at the Reclamation Bureau).


Players and enemies can use 6 elements in BLUE PROTOCOL: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Light, and Dark. They can be utilized through elemental skills, weapons, and Battle Imagine. Elements influence combat via Elemental Effects and Elemental Resistance.

Elemental Charge

Attacking with elements will fill the Elemental Charge gauge underneath an enemy’s health bar. Filling it to level 1 (100 charge), level 2 (300 charge), or level 3 (600 charge) will apply an Elemental Effect on the enemy, based on which element has contributed the most charge.

The active element (shown on the gauge) can change between levels, though the active debuff will remain until replaced at the next level, or the gauge resets. The condition to prevent the gauge from resetting is determined by the current gauge level.

Gauge Level Time limit extension condition
Lv. 0 Accumulate any amount of charge within 60 seconds (20 seconds on players)
Lv. 1+ Reach the next charge level within 60 seconds (20 seconds on players)

Elemental Charge is accumulated for both your weapon and skill elements (at some ratio).

Enemies in Missions, Raids, and Elite Monsters have a multiplier that reduces the accumulation rate of elemental charge, i.e. 0.16x for Survey/Advenaced Survey and 0.33x for Rush Battle.

Elemental Accumulation Formula

Non-elemental Action:

(Base Multiplier × 7) × Elemental Resistance × Elemental Buff

Elemental Action:

(Base Multiplier × 7 × 0.3 + Element's Accumulation Value) × Elemental Resistance × Elemental Buff

The stat "Elemental Attack" found on weapons does not influence Elemental Charge accumulation.

Elemental Resistance (including from buffs/debuffs) does influence Elemental Charge accumulation, but the ratio is different from elemental damage.

Elemental buffs also influence Elemental Charge accumulation, but similar to resistance, it's not clear if the formula is different from that for damage.

The relationship between Elemental Resistance and Elemental buffs are currently unknown, so they are currently listed separately. It's possible that enemy resistance and player buffs are in the same category and thus additive.

Elemental Effects

At level 1 and 2, a debuff is applied, with level 2 being a stronger version. Level 3 triggers an Elemental Burst, which deals considerable damage and begins Burst Bonus Time.


On Enemies

  1. Lv. 1 Deals 0.3% of Max HP as damage every 3 seconds

  2. Lv. 2 Deals 0.4% of Max HP as damage every 2 seconds

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 10% of Max HP and knocks down enemy

  4. Burst Finish Deals 5%/7%/10%/15%/20% of Max HP as damage

On Players

  1. Lv. 1 Deals 2% of Max HP as damage every 2 seconds

  2. Lv. 2 Deals 3% of Max HP as damage every 2 seconds

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 20% of Max HP as damage and knocks down player


On Enemies

  1. Lv. 1 Reduces movement speed by 20%

  2. Lv. 2 Reduces movement speed by 40%

  3. Lv. 3 Freezes enemy

  4. Burst Finish Deals 1%/3%/5%/7%/10% of Max HP as damage

On Players

  1. Lv. 1 Applies Movement Speed Down (small)

  2. Lv. 2 Applies Movement Speed Down (medium)

  3. Lv. 3 Freezes player (can be freed by ally attacks)


On Enemies

  1. Lv. 1 Disrupt actions at a 20% chance every 5 seconds

  2. Lv. 2 Disrupt actions at a 40% chance every 5 seconds

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 5% of Max HP as damage and disrupts actions at an 80% chance every 3 seconds

  4. Burst Finish Deals 5%/6%/8%/11%/15% of Max HP as damage, and applies Paralysis (disrupts actions at a 60% chance every 4 seconds for 20 seconds

On Players

  1. Lv. 1 Periodically disrupts actions at a chance

  2. Lv. 2 Periodically disrupts actions at a chance

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 2.5% of Max HP as damage, knocks down player, and applies Paralysis


On Enemies

  1. Lv. 1 Increases damage received by 10%

  2. Lv. 2 Increases damage recived by 20%

  3. Lv. 3 Petrifies enemy

  4. Burst Finish Deals 1%/3%/5%/7%/10% of Max HP as damage

On Players

  1. Lv. 1 Increase damage taken

  2. Lv. 2 Increase damage taken

  3. Lv. 3 Petrifies player (can be freed by ally attacks)


On Enemies

  1. Lv. 1 Reduces damage dealt by 15%

  2. Lv. 2 Reduces damage dealt by 30%

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 5% of Max HP as damage

  4. Burst Finish Deals 5%/6%/8%/11%/15% of Max HP as damage and grants HP Regen to nearby players (recover 5% of Max HP every 3 seconds for 30 seconds)

On Players

  1. Lv. 1 Reduces damage dealt by 15%

  2. Lv. 2 Reduces damage dealt by 30%

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 2.5% of Max HP as damage, knocks down player, and grants HP Regen to nearby enemies (recover 0.6% of Max HP every 3 seconds for 30 seconds)


On Enemies

  1. Lv. 1 Attacks have a 10% chance to miss

  2. Lv. 2 Attacks have a 30% chance to miss

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 5% of Max HP as damage

  4. Burst Finish Deals 5%/6%/8%/11%/15% of Max HP as damage and applies HP Leak (when hit, the player regains 5% of damage dealt as HP, minimum 1% of Max HP, for 30 seconds)

On Players

  1. Lv. 1 Attacks have a 10% chance to miss

  2. Lv. 2 Attacks have a 30% chance to miss

  3. Lv. 3 Deals 2.5% of Max HP as damage, knocks down player, and applies HP Leak (when hit, the enemy regains ?% of damage dealt as HP, minimum 1% of Max HP, for 30 seconds)

The effects of Level 1 and 2 Fire are reduced by 75% against Elite Monsters and Raid Bosses.

Burst Bonus Time

Activating an Elemental Burst will trigger Burst Bonus Time for 10 seconds. Players and Battle Imagine will deal increased elemental damage, and Level 2 elemental effects are removed. The damage boost is determined by the element of the attack (prioritizing skill element).

Elements Player Damage Battle Imagine Damage
Fire Thunder Light Dark +15% +20%
Ice Earth +10% +15%
No element +0% +10%
Burst Bonus Time is part of the buff/debuff category in the damage formula.
Weapon Element Skill Element Damage Increase
Ice Fire 15%
Ice Non-elemental 10%
Non-elemental Non-elemental 0%
(During burst bonus time)

A Burst Finish Gauge will appear with a level 1 indicator next to it. Attacking with elements will rapidly fill the gauge. Levels are increased by 1 each time the gauge is filled, up to level 5.

Gauge Level Charge Required for next level Total Charge Required
Level 1→2 30 30
Level 2→3 30 60
Level 3→4 40 100
Level 4→5 40 140

After Burst Bonus Time ends, a Burst Finish will occur, dealing damage based on the gauge’s level. Some elements will also apply buffs or debuffs after a Burst Finish (see table above).

Demonstration of the Elemental Burst and Burst Bonus Time mechanics. The Burst Finish Gauge starts to flash white as Burst Bonus Time comes to an end.

Elemental Burst and Burst Finish damage is not affected by defense or elemental resistance. The effects of Burst and Burst Finish are reduced by 75% against Elite Monsters and Raid Bosses.

Elemental Resistance

Players and enemies both have elemental resistance for each element, influencing damage taken and elemental charge buildup. Negative resistance values indicate that the target is weak to that element.

Resistance level Damage Elemental charge Damage (max) Ele. charge (max)
Weakness +20% +10% +50% ?
Resistant -20% -10% +10% ?
Resistant (Elemental-type enemy) -40% -20% ? ?

Debuffs that reduce Elemental Resistance are additive to the target’s elemental resistance stat. When debuffing an element that the target is resistant to, the debuff’s potency will be reduced to 20%.


On an enemy weak to Fire, applying Fire Resist Down (small) will result in +20% → +40% damage.
On an enemy resistant to Fire, applying Fire Resist Down (small) will result in -20% → -16% damage.

Chevron icons next to your damage number indicate that the enemy is weak against an element (affected by debuffs as well).

Weakness 1 Weakness 2 Weakness 3
Elemental-Resistance-to-Damage Formula

If target's Elemental Resistance < 0 (weakness)
Damage Multiplier = ( 1 - Elemental Resistance × 0.04 )
If target's Elemental Resistance > 0 (resistant)
Damage Multiplier = ( 1 - Elemental Resistance × 0.008 )

From this formula, we can derive that Spell Caster's Trinity Shot (applies All Ele Resist Down (Small)) and normal (non-elemental) enemies' weakness element value is -5, normal enemies' resistant element value is +25, and elemental enemies' resistant value is +50.

Ex: An enemy weak to Fire (-5) with Trinity Shot debuffs (-5), attacked by a fire weapon and fire skill:
( 1 - ( -10 × 0.04 ) ) = 1.4

Weapon-Skill Interaction

Skill element and weapon element both factor into your damage in regards to elemental weaknesses. In other words, on an enemy that is weak against fire, you will do more damage using a fire skill + fire weapon than a fire skill + ice weapon. The skill will retain its element (fire) even if equipped with a different element weapon (ice).

If the weapon and skill elements match, the weapon’s Elemental Attack stat is added to your attack when calculating damage. Non-elemental skills will always get this bonus because they inherit the weapon element.

Most classes have a set of non-elemental skills if they wish to use their weapon’s element.

If the weapon and skill elements do not match, damage from resistance is calculated at a 30/70 ratio of weapon/skill. In other words, you may only get a portion of the damage increase/decrease mentioned in the Elemental Resistance section based on which elements you use. Additionally, Elemental Charge is accumulated for both elements.

Formula Examples

Enemy resistant to Fire, not resistant to Ice; using Fire Weapon and Ice Skill.
Fire Weapon (0.8 damage) × (0.3 ratio) + Ice Skill (1.0 damage) × (0.7 ratio) = 0.94

Enemy weak to Ice, not resistant to Fire; debuffed to increase damage; using Fire Weapon and Ice Skill
Fire Weapon (1.2 damage) × (0.3 ratio) + Ice Skill (1.5 damage) × (0.7 ratio) = 1.41

Weapon/Skill Element Weapon Weakness Element Weapon Neutral Element1, 2 Weapon Resistant Element Weapon Resistant Element (Elemental enemy)
Skill Weakness Element 120% 114% 108% 102%
Skill Non-elemental 120% 100% 80% 60%
Skill Neutral Element1 106% 100% 94% 88%
Skill Resistant Element 92% 86% 80% -
Skill Resistant Element (Elemental enemy) 78% 72% - 60%
1. Neutral Element refers to elements that the target neither has weakness nor resistance to.
2. In the case of weapons, Neutral Element also includes Non-elemental weapons.


Skills can be unlocked by leveling up. You can equip the following:

Active skills:

  • 1 basic attack
  • 1 class action (subaction)
  • 8 tactical skills
  • 1 ultimate skill
  • 2 battle imagine
  • 2 (passive) class-restricted abilities
  • 2 (passive) class-shared abilities
  • all unlocked base abilities
Twin Striker skills page

Learn more about the class actions and class abilities on the classes page.

The developers have stated that they prefer to add more skill diversity to existing classes than create new classes that aren’t very unique.

Skill Variants

At G3+, skills have three variations: Normal, Alpha, and Beta variants. These variants slightly alter how a skill works, such as increasing the number of hits, adding additional buffs/debuffs, and more.

Alpha skills can be purchased with class talismans (available from Class Adventure Boards) at the Class Master. To unlock the shop, complete all of his quests (you need to be Level 50 to purchase from the shop).

Beta skills have a chance of dropping in Survey & Advanced Survey Missions after you reach level 50. Only the skills that you currently have equipped on your palette will be eligible for a beta skill drop. The drop rates are notoriously low.

Buffs & Debuffs

Abnormal statuses that can be applied to players or enemies. Debuffs from elemental effects can be found in the elements section.

Icon(s) Status Effect
ATK Up Increases damage dealt
DEF Up Reduces damage received
Quick Charge Reduces charge time for skills that can be charged
Quick Interval Reduces skill cooldowns
Speed Up Increases movement speed
ST Quick Regen Increases the speed of stamina recovery
Drain Restores a portion of damage dealt as HP
ST Save Reduces the amount of stamina consumed
SP Armor Become immune to flinching when hit
HP Regen Regenerates HP over time
Barrier Ready Provides a one-time barrier that blocks incoming damage.
Critical Ready The next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit
Bad Status Immune Become immune to abnormal status effects
Full Heal Heals party members' health to full
Critical Rate Up Increases the chance of critical hits
Points Up Increases the amount of points gained in Score Attack
Posession Provides various buffs (differs per Battle Imagine)
Stun Immunity Immunity to stun
Invincibility Take no damage
※ Existed in the Closed Beta Test (unused).

EXP & Drops

When an enemy is defeated, all players who dealt at least 1 damage to the enemy will be eligible to receive full EXP and drops. In party play, all party members will be eligible if at least one of their members dealt at least 1 damage to the enemy.

In order to receive rewards, players must be within a certain distance of the enemy.

EXP gain is scaled based on your level difference with the enemy. Enemies in Missions do not give EXP.

Item drops are determined on a per-player basis. Players may have differing drop rate multipliers (via consumable items and liquid memories). Item drops go straight to the player’s inventory (consumables) or storage (non-consumables).


If you and I are collecting rare drops in the same party, there may be times where one of us gets the drop and the other doesn't. If I'm using a G2 Drop-Drop and you are not, my drop rate for items will be 1.3x and yours will be 1x.

Treasure chest drops are determined on a per-party basis, using the drop rate of the party member with the highest drop rate. Solo players are considered as being in a party of one. When a chest drops, it is visible to other party members as well. Treasure chests must be opened to receive the rewards inside and its contents are determined on a per-player basis.


If you and I are in the same party and I'm using a G2 Drop-Drop and you are not, your drop rate for chests will also be 1.3x. In regards to chest contents, an elite monster chest might give you 2 Idea while I only get 1 (elite monsters have a 100% chance of dropping a chest, but the chest can contain different rewards).

Party Chain

The party chain is a combo count of all party members’ hits. As it accumulates, your party gains a slight increase in damage and self-healing effects. The higher the chain count, the less time you have to successfully perform another attack before the chain ends. The party chain will reset to 0 if no successful attacks are detected before the timer ends.

If the chain is reset while over 50 hits, there will be a 10 second cooldown before starting another chain. Otherwise, the chain can instantly be reinitiated.

Raids require higher chain count for some effects because there are more players. In raids, if the chain is reset while over 250 hits, the cooldown will be 30 seconds.

If you are too far away from the party leader, you won’t receive party chain effects. (Needs confirmation if its based on distance from party leader or between any/all party members).

Elemental damage-over-time debuffs do not count towards the party chain.

Chain Damage
& Self-healing
Effect Effect (Raid) Reset Timer
0 100% - - 1.5s
50 101%

HP Regen
Recover 1% of Max HP per second for 10 seconds.

100 1.4s
150 102%

Reduce received damage by 15% for 10 seconds.

200 1.3s
250 103%

SP Armor
Become immune to stagger for 10 seconds.

HP Regen
Recover 2% of Max HP per second for 15 seconds.

300 1.2s
350 104%

HP Regen
Recover 2% of Max HP per second for 15 seconds.

400 1.2s
450 105%

Reduce received damage by 30% for 10 seconds.

500 1.0s
550 106%

SP Armor
Become immune to stagger for 15 seconds.

Reduce received damage by 30% for 10 seconds.

600 0.8s
650 107%

HP Regen
Recover 2% of Max HP per second for 10 seconds.

700 0.6s
750 108%

Reduce received damage by 45% for 10 seconds.

800 0.4s
850 109%

SP Armor
Become immune to stagger for 20 seconds.

SP Armor
Become immune to stagger for 15 seconds.

900 0.3s
950 110%
999 ULT skills cooldowns will count down at 4x the normal speed for 10 seconds.

Parts Destruction

Some enemies have designated parts that can be destroyed, downing the enemy for a brief period. Attacking this point will deal increased damage. This is separate from Blast Archer’s Weak Point Targeting.


There is no player versus player system in BLUE PROTOCOL. PvP refers to Party vs Party—player party vs enemy AI party. Similar to players, enemies will cooperate and try to take down you and your allies.

Enemy leaders will be indicated by a star preceeding their name, and they will give orders to other enemies.