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Game Systems


Missions are an umbrella term for dungeons, raids, and various other dungeon-like content.

8 minute read

Last updated 8/19/2024


Missions are the general word for dungeons in BLUE PROTOCOL. All missions can be entered solo or with a party (up to 6 players) with exception to Raids, which match you with up to 30 players.

Missions typically have a time limit and a maximum number of revives that is shared between all players. A revive count is used when a player is knocked down and does not get rescued before the rescue timer ends. The number of revives provided per player depends on the mission difficulty.

Players are provided with potions and buff consumables that can only be used in that mission and are deleted after exiting.

End-game missions currently do not reward any progression-related gear; they only reward cosmetic items such as decorative medals for your player card.


If the queue has the minimum number of players and matchmaking takes longer than 1 minute, the dungeon will start and other players can join midway through. Level sync will not apply when entering immediately solo or in a premade party, but will apply if you queue matchmaking with the premade party.

Survey, Additional Survey, and Advanced Survey

These are traditional dungeon instances which reward better equipment in higher difficulties. Survey missions typically appear in the main story quest, after which you unlock an Additional Survey of that same mission, allowing you to reenter it whenever. Some missions have Advanced Survey counterparts which grant stronger equipment.

Additional Survey and Advanced Survey missions have a chance to drop beta skills. Advanced Survey has a higher chance than Additional Survey.

A new difficulty, Advanced Survey Plus, was introduced in v1.06.100 with the strongest weapons to date.

These missions are not to be confused with Free Exploration dungeons, which are overworld versions of certain Survey missions.

Enemies have a chance of dropping treasure chests containing Enhance Imagine and Weapons from the mission’s possible rewards pool. Chests placed throughout Dungeons can contain extra consumables.

Lucky Enemies, which also appear in the overworld and have sparkles around them, are guaranteed to drop at least one treasure chest.

Silver Nappos have a chance of replacing some enemies in the mission and are guaranteed to drop five treasure chests.

An Enemy Rush can occur at a fixed location in the dungeon at a 5% chance, spawning tons of Nappos that have a high chance of dropping chests for 1 minute straight (the dungeon timer is extended to compensate).

You must clear the dungeon to get the rewards from the treasure chests.

On the result screen, you can use Rewards Plus Tickets to double the mission’s base rewards, and Double Chest Tickets to double the amount of items you get from chests (items are randomized, not duplicates).

Rush Battle, EX Rush, and EX Rush SP

Rush Battle is a party mission where players fight continuous waves of enemies. Clear all the waves to complete the mission.

EX Rush Battle is a harder version of Rush Battle that changes every update. Enemies have a 1/1,000,000 chance of dropping a treasure chest that contains a Golden Land Fox mount.

EX Rush SP is a limited-time, high-difficulty game mode released as SP Party and later SP Solo (per-class). The goal is to defeat a powerful boss(es) within the time limit. The rewards were a unique bronze Medal for party, and a silver Medal for every class in solo.


Raids consist of a single boss fight with up to 30 players. They mainly reward GC and EXP, and Raids have the highest chance to drop beta skills. Raids can have Enemy Strengthening Devices and Engram Cannons which instantly fill the boss’ Elemental Gauge.

Two types of Raids are active at a time; a low-level Raid that is always the same, and a high-level raid that changes every update. The entry times are as follows, in JST:

Weekdays Weekends
14:00 ~ 15:00 8:00 ~ 9:00
18:00 ~ 19:00 12:00 ~ 13:00
22:00 ~ 23:00 16:00 ~ 17:00
20:00 ~ 21:00
1:00 ~ 2:00

Rewards are distributed to all players if the raid is cleared within the time limit. In addition to the clear rewards, extra rewards can be earned in various categories:

Category Details
Overall Rank Award Get a high ranking in the Raid
Class Rank Award Get a high ranking for your class in the Raid
Most Damage Award Deal the most damage
Highest Damage Award Deal the highest damage in a single hit
Support Award Provide the most support through healing and buffs
Rescue Award Rescue the most players (2 people eligible)
Obstruction Award Apply the most debuffs
Artillery Award Fire the most Engram Cannons
Last Attack Award Finish the boss with the final hit
Ironclad Award Receive the most damage

Extra GC can be earned by opening treasure chests dropped by enemies in the Raid.

Time & Score Attack

Time Attack and Score Attack are two solo game modes where players can compete in getting the fastest time or highest score for their class. The seasons are roughly 2 weeks and typically alternate between Time Attack and Score Attack.

The rankings are one-time for each unique mission, though some are occassionally rerun so players can get past titles. The top 50 players on each class will receive a small crown and the rank 1 player for each class will receive a large crown. Other ranking rewards include Battle Maiden Coins and temporary titles. These rewards will last for 4 weeks, when the next Time Attack/Score Attack champions are crowned.

Permanent rewards for getting bronze/silver/gold scores for the first time on a mission include GC and a title.

The only available Time Attack mission in the Closed Beta Test. There was a party Time Attack as well, but this has yet to be reintroduced into the live service.

Infinity Tower

The Infinity Tower is a series of party missions where players aim to complete all floors of enemies within the time limit. Floors may require you to defeat specific enemies, break objects, or carry keys to the lock to clear. Every 5 floors is a rest area where players can use Suppliers to buff and recover, though the timer does not pause on these floors. First time clear rewards include Gacha Tickets and cosmetics.

Sudden Death Battle

Sudden Death Battle is a limited-time party mission where enemies are guaranteed to 1 hit players. This mission does not give any notable rewards. Work together and survive until the time runs out to clear the mission!

Valiant Arena

An end-game, ranked party mission where players clear waves of bosses. The bosses and Enemy Strengthening Devices have various spawn conditions, allowing for teams to formulate unique strategies. Rewards include a unique Gold medal and outfit set. The later you clear the dungeon, the lower quality medal you can earn, i.e. Silver and Bronze after the first few months.

Leaderboards are tallied 4 months after the release of this mission, and the top 100 parties will receive permanent small crowns, with the rank 1 party receiving large crowns as well.

War God’s Training Ground

An end-game party mission consisting of a single boss fight, and rewards a unique Gold medal and weapon skins. The later you clear the dungeon, the lower quality medal you can earn, i.e. Silver and Bronze after the first few months. The fight includes unique skills:

  • Breaker Bullet: fires a bullet that interrupts the boss when they are charging an attack; melee classes fire a short range bullet and ranged classes fire a long-range bullet; successful interrupts will fill the Heavenly Shield gauge
  • Heavenly Shield: consumes 1 charge to protect against powerful attacks

These skills are explained and can be practiced in a separate Tutorial mission.

Matching Support

Matching Support missions queue you into a random Additional Survey from a list. Every day, you get 3 Support Special Rewards (max. 5) which give an large amount of EXP and 5 Battle Maiden Coins. These can be helpful for leveling up your other classes. Matching Support missions appear to be broken up into different level groups, requiring increasing amounts of battle score to enter, but the details are unknown.